Progress is Progress – Why It’s Not Always Your Speed, But Your Growth

Running a Mile and Walking a Mile Burn The Same Calories

Walking a mile burns almost the same number of calories as running a mile.

Saying that out loud surprises people. Why would walking burn as many calories as running? Because when you’re walking a mile, you’re walking for 15 to 20 minutes. When you’re running a mile, you’re only running for 5 to 6 minutes. That added movement of waking for longer ends up catching up to the number of calories burned.

Why does this matter, and what does this have to do with mental health?

Many people erroneously think that mental health is all or nothing – either they aggressively and completely change their life immediately, or there’s no point.

In therapy, we can often see this as clients experience dismay or sadness that they’re not 100% better in a short time. They make mistakes, experience setbacks, etc., and then feel like it means they’ve failed, and that they need to give up. Either they go full sprint, or they haven’t made the progress they need.

But walking a mile is essentially as good as running.

What matters isn’t that we’re making significant progress right away. What matters is that we’re moving forward, and that we keep trying to move forward. It may take you longer, but you’re still getting to the same place, and you’re getting the exact same benefits along the way.

Anxiety, Mental Health, and You

Mental health isn’t about the intensity of your efforts or how you compare to other people. It’s about making sure that your anxiety and your mental health are always moving forward, at whatever speed that may be. As long as you are working towards your destination, you’re going to get the result you want at any speed, and experience the benefits you’re hoping for.

Anxiety is damaging to a person’s life. Whether it’s small progress or major change, let’s make sure that we have you always moving the right direction. Contact me today, and let’s start making that progress that will help you thrive.

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